Cristo Obrero
Cristo Obrero is a mission of the Minneapolis Area Synod.
As a community of the people of God, Cristo Obrero is called to welcome ALL people by accompany Latino families, providing support and community activities to strengthen understanding that the work of Christ is love for ALL.
There are several ways to get involved with Cristo Obrero. From our summer soccer program, to helping children with homework, and worshiping God together, our mission is to strengthen Latino families and celebrate God’s love.
In 2022, through generous donations, Cristo Obrero was able to support 5 families in attending a Bilingual Family Camp at Outlaw Ranch in Custer, SD. It was a life changing experience for families and helped give them a better understanding of the Lutheran Church and deepen their faith. The goal is to bring 10 families to camp in the 2023 summer! You can make a donation through Cristo Obrero’s Venmo account @Cristo-Obrero, please add “Camp” into the comments. Please contact Susan Bies with questions 763-438-6528.
Please contact Pastor Stephanie Espinoza (630-723-7207) from Cristo Obrero or Grace Harrison (715-338-2326) from Prairie Oaks Institute with any questions.