9th Grade BURN Confirmation

9th Grade BURN

Welcome to 9th Grade Confirmation!  

Our confirmation program in 9th grade is meant to be a capstone experience. After two years of confirmation instruction (The Bible and the Big Questions & What It Means to Be A Lutheran), 9th Grade is a chance for students to explore different ways to apply faith in their own lives: through acts of service, theological exploration, or spiritual practice. It is a chance for them to kindle whatever sparks have struck in their soul and let their own unique faith start to Burn. Students will explore their personal spiritual gifts, and each of the unique baptismal promises they will be affirming at their confirmation service.

9th Grade will still give students the chance to focus on and write their I Believe statements, exploring the stories, relationships, ideas, and practices that will make their faith their own as they step into adult faith.  “I Believe” Statements will be due on September 27th. Students will read these finished statements to each other on the retreat as a practice of sharing their faith, and listening and learning from the faith of others. The retreat is scheduled for October 11-13th at Green Lake Bible Camp.

Our first meeting will be an orientation for parents, guides, and students on Sunday, August 18th. Burn will meet weekly for 90 minutes on Sunday nights from September 8 – October 6th. Each meeting will have some instruction time, play time, and small group time.

This year, our post-confirmation students from the glow youth group will be attending and helping to lead portions of 9th grade confirmation. They will be inviting BURN students into youth group participation, and a portion of each night will be focused on building relationships between all our high school students.

Attendance is mandatory for all 9th grade sessions.

Confirmation rehearsal will happen on Wednesday, October 23rd at 7p, with Confirmation Services on Sunday, October 27th at 8:30a, 10a, and 11:30a.

Contact Shane Marcus with questions by clicking here.