Worship Assistants
Sunday morning volunteer worship assistants are vital to providing a smooth-running worship service. Serving in one of these ministries can enrich your faith and connect you with other members. Join this team by signing up below!
9am Sunday Worship Assistants
Click here to sign up >>>
Click here to sign up >>>
10:30am Sunday Worship Assistants
6:00pm Wednesday Prime Time Worship Assistants
Wednesdays in Lent Worship Assistants
Ash Wednesday Worship Assistants
7pm Wednesday Worship Assistants
SPARK Volunteers
9am Sunday SPARK Volunteers
5:15pm Wednesday SPARK Volunteers
Church Office Support
We are looking for volunteers to help out in the church office. Some tasks include member outreach with letters & cards and taking phone calls.
Cards for Graduates
We want to stay connected to our graduating students from Faith, even while they are far away from us! Use this form to choose a prayer to send to each of our graduating students during the year (prayers listed on the website – or choose one of your own from the hymnal (pp 72-86))!
Shane will send postcards and messages once a month to all the seniors. And if we receive enough donations, Faith will send each of the students a coffee card for finals season!
Total funded to date: $300.00
Click here to donate/send a prayer >>>
Click here to donate/send a prayer >>>
Altar & Sacrament Ministry
Looking for a way to volunteer behind-the-scenes? Faith’s Altar and Sacrament Ministry needs volunteers to help set up and clean up for communion Sundays the first and third Sundays each month. Meet new people and get involved in your church community! Training is provided and you work with one or more partners! Contact Kristin Bruellman at 612-418-2012 or bruellman1@embarqmail.com for more information or call the church office.